Tag: Ancillary

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  • Accutane 20mgs x 50 Tablets

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    Accutane (isotretinoin) is a popular acne medication used to combat androgen-induced skin-related side effects. This drug is highly effective in the treatment of excessive acne on the face, back and shoulders. Accutane can be used by anabolic steroid users who are susceptible to this adverse, but common side effect from steroid use. It is generally prescribed to treat acne after less aggressive options have been explored.

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  • Arimidex 1mg x 50 Tablets

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    Arimigen, known as Anastrozole (or Arimidex), is classified as an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) drug that is therapeutically used to treat breast cancer, but in the performance enhancement scene it is an invaluable non-steroidal ancillary drug used to mitigate estrogenic related side effects from aromatizing steroids. An aromatase inhibitor is recommended to use for most steroid cycles to avoid the onset of estrogenic side effects. Arimigen is a very strong aromatase inhibitor.

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  • Aromasin 12.5mg x 50 Tablets

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    Aromagen, known as Exemestane (or Aromasin), is classified as an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) drug that is therapeutically used to treat breast cancer, but in the performance enhancement scene it is an invaluable non-steroidal ancillary drug used to mitigate estrogenic related side effects from aromatizing steroids. An aromatase inhibitor is recommended to use for most steroid cycles to avoid the onset of estrogenic side effects. Aromagen is a moderately strong aromatase inhibitor.

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  • Cardarine (GW501516) 20mgs x 50 Tablets

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    Cardarine, is not technically a SARM by its mechanism of action, yet is commonly grouped into the SARM family of compounds. Cardarine is a PPAR receptor agonist initially marketed as “cardio in a bottle” . Cardarine significantly increases endurance and accelerates metabolism. It is an excellent addition to all SARM and steroid cycles.

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  • Clomid 50mgs x 50 Tablets

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    Clomigen, known as Clomiphene Citrate (or Clomid) is a popular Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM). Clomid is regularly used as a fertility aid in therapeutic settings, and is also very popular in the performance enhancement scene. This ancillary drug is non-steroidal yet is an invaluable compound that becomes necessary to supplement during most anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) cycles. Clomigen is used to mitigate the estrogenic side effects of steroids that aromatize (convert into estrogen), and as part of a proper Post Cycle Therapy (PCT).

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  • Crestor (Rosuvastatin) 10mgs X 50 Tablets

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    Crestor is Rosuvastatin, which belongs to a class of drugs called statins. Statins work by blocking an enzyme in the liver that is responsible for producing cholesterol, thereby reducing the amount of cholesterol in the bloodstream.

    Crestor (Rosuvastatin, 10mg x 50) is typically taken once daily, with or without food, and the dosage is based on the patient’s age, gender, and cholesterol levels. While taking Crestor, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet.

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  • Finasteride 1.25mgs x 60 Tablets

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    Proscar, known as Finasteride (or Toremifene Citrate) is a popular medication used to combat male pattern baldness and prostate growth in men. Proscar is a Type II 5-alpha reductase inhibitor developed and marketed under the names Proscar and Propecia, with Proscar having more Finasteride per pill to treat prostate enlargement and Propecia being used in combating male pattern baldness. Proscar can be used while running anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) to combat the possible adverse androgenic related side effects.

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  • Letrozole 2.5mgs x 50 Tablets

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    Letrogen, known as Letrozole (or Femara), is classified as an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) drug that is therapeutically used to treat breast cancer, but in the performance enhancement scene it is an invaluable non-steroidal ancillary drug used to mitigate estrogenic related side effects from aromatizing steroids. An aromatase inhibitor is recommended to use for most steroid cycles to avoid the onset of estrogenic side effects. Letrogen is the strongest and most suppressive commonly used aromatase inhibitor.

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  • Nolvadex 20mgs x 50 Tablets

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    Nolvagen, known as Tamoxifen Citrate (or Nolvadex) is a popular Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM). Nolvadex is regularly used as a medication to treat (and prevent) hormone-responsive breast cancer  in therapeutic settings, and is also very popular in the performance enhancement scene. This ancillary drug is non-steroidal and is an invaluable compound that becomes necessary to supplement during most anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) cycles. Nolvagen is used to mitigate the estrogenic side effects of steroids that aromatize (convert into estrogen), and as part of a proper Post Cycle Therapy (PCT).

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  • Pramipexole .5mg x 40 Tablets

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    Pramipexole is a dopamine agonist drug that is commonly supplemented with during anabolic steroid cycles where 19-nor compounds Trenbolone and Deca are being used. Pramipexole is used to mitigate the unwanted prolactin related side effects, such as erectile dysfunction.

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  • Raloxifene 30mgs x 50 Tablets

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    Evista (Raloxifene) is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) medication used to help mitigate the estrogenic side effects from steroid use. It is an invaluable compound that becomes necessary to supplement during most anabolic androgenic-steroid (AAS) cycles, and as part of a proper Post Cycle Therapy (PCT).

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  • Testolone (RAD-140) 10mgs x 60 Tablets

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    Testolone (RAD140) is a very strong Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that is growing in popularity due to its very high level of anabolic potential. Its effects are very similar to Testosterone and it is currently being tested as a potential testosterone therapy alternative. It provides excellent increases in strength and muscular endurance. Testolone can be used for both bulking and cutting cycles. It shares qualities similar to Winstrol, making it ideal for cutting as it does not cause water retention, making muscles appear hard and dry when at a low body fat percentage.

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  • Winstrol Suspension 50mg/ml, 10ml

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    Winstrol Suspension or Stanozolol is an anabolic steroid used to get lean and hard, it’s mainly used as an oral during cutting cycles to lose body fat. It’s as variant of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), so you can expect similar fat loss benefits as you would with any other DHT derivative steroid. For most users, it’s a cheaper alternative to anavar, and, of course, it’s more available on the black market. Due to the modification at the A-ring, this is a very unique steroid, with very unique cutting abilities. This makes winstrol a top 3 cutting steroid on the market.

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