
Finasteride 1.25mgs x 60 Tablets


Finasteride (or Toremifene Citrate) is a popular medication used to combat male pattern baldness and prostate growth in men. Proscar is a Type II 5-alpha reductase inhibitor developed and marketed under the names Proscar and Propecia, with Proscar having more Finasteride per pill to treat prostate enlargement and Propecia being used in combating male pattern baldness. Proscar can be used while running anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). It combats the possible adverse androgenic related side effects.

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Finasteride (Proscar) combats both prostate enlargement and male pattern baldness. Proscar is a Type II 5-alpha reductase inhibitor that inhibits the reduction of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT inhibition can positively affect the prostate, male pattern baldness, and skin health. For steroid users, Proscar is only effective when running certain types of stanabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS).

It will have no effect on mitigating adverse side effects with DHT-derived compounds (Anadrol, Winstrol, Primo, etc.). Proscar is effective when running Testosterone-derived compounds (all Testosterones and Halotestin), but it can decrease the efficiency of these compounds during use. We must also note, those running 19-nor compounds (Tren and Deca) should avoid using all 5-alpha reductase inhibitors like Proscar, as it can increase the androgenicity of these steroids and lead to adverse side effects. Proscar has also proven to be ineffective in treating the androgenic side effects of other steroids such as Equipoise and Dianabol.

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Finasteride is a Type II 5-alpha reductase inhibitor developed and marketed under the names Proscar and Propecia, with Proscar having more Finasteride per pill to treat prostate enlargement and Propecia being used in combating male pattern baldness. Proscar can be used while running anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) to combat the possible adverse androgenic related side effects.


NOTE: Finasteride has an adverse impact on the fetus. It must be avoided by pregnant women and by the partners of pregnant women, as it is transferable by both skin contact and via semen during intercourse.



  • Type II 5-alpha reductase inhibitor
  • Treatment for enlarged prostate
  • Treatment for male pattern baldness
  • Mitigates adverse androgenic side effects from steroids
  • Improves skin health
  • Boost confidence


Terminal Half-life:

  • 5-6 hrs


Possible Dosage & Cycle Length:

  • Men & Women @ 1 mg/day
  • Use for the duration of your cycle, only as needed
  • Not safe for female use, and DANGEROUS to the fetus of a pregnant woman
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