Tag: Steroids Canada No

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  • BPC-157 1 vial x 5mg

    0 out of 5
    $65.00 $80.00

    BPC 157 Canada is a miracle healing peptide that is a synthetic form of Body Protection Compound, a naturally occurring peptide synthesized within the stomach. Its miracle healing abilities make this peptide invaluable to those wanting expedited healing from injury. Clinical studies have shown its efficacy in accelerating injury recovery similarly to TB-500. BPC-157 has been shown to significantly improve mobility, strength, and flexibility of joint/connective tissue. It also has numerous benefits for digestive health and is commonly used by those suffering from GI conditions such as Crohn’s, Leaky Gut, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

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  • Hulk Stack

    0 out of 5

    This mixture is a powerful blend intended for the most advanced athletes. It will give you the ability to reach new strength gains in no time. Dbol will give you an initial boost in strength and muscle mass until the test and tren (TNT) kicks in, while deca will stimulate muscle growth. If you are looking to gain size and muscle mass quickly, this stack will serve you well. Please Note: it is strongly recommended that Arimidex, or any other aromatase inhibitor, be used alongside any testosterone variety to prevent estrogenic side effects.

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  • Melanotan-II 1 vial x 10mg

    0 out of 5

    Melanotan-II is the second coming of Melanotan, an analog of the alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (a-MSH). With minimal UV ray exposure, Melanotan-II drastically increases melanin production in the skin cells which darkens skin tone by stimulating melanogenesis. A very notable secondary effect is that it also functions as a libibo enhancer, dramatically increasing sexual arousal in both men and women. Melanotan has shown promising results as a possible treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) and female sexual arousal disorder. Whether you want to get a more natural tan without excessive UV ray exposure, or enhance your libido, Melanotan-II has you covered.

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  • Oral Primobolan 10mgs x 100 Tablets

    0 out of 5

    Oral Primobolan, also known as Methenolone Acetate. This highly sought-after steroid is often underrated, but packs a powerful punch for both lean bulking and cutting cycles. Derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT), Oral Primobolan doesn’t come with the estrogenic side effects often associated with other steroids, such as water retention and gynecomastia. This mild steroid is safe for both men and women and can help you achieve the lean, hard physique you’ve been dreaming of

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