Cardarine (GW501516) 20mgs x 50 Tablets
$100.00Cardarine, is not technically a SARM by its mechanism of action, yet is commonly grouped into the SARM family of compounds. Cardarine is a PPAR receptor agonist initially marketed as “cardio in a bottle” . Cardarine significantly increases endurance and accelerates metabolism. It is an excellent addition to all SARM and steroid cycles.
Ligandrol (LGD4033) 5mgs x 60 Tablets
$100.00Ligandrol (LGD-4033) is one of the strongest and most popular SARMs available to build quality lean muscle tissue. It holds the most potential for inducing muscular hypertrophy over all other SARMs. Ligandrol is very effective at inducing muscular hypertrophy, it also has a high level of bioavailability and tissue selectiveness making it very efficient. Although it doesn’t seem to be very estrogenic in nature, water retention is a reported side effect, making it preferable for bulking cycles.
MK-677 (Ibutamoren) 15mgs x 50 Tablets
$110.00Ibutamoren (MK-677) is a growth hormone secretagogue and ghrelin receptor agonist, not a SARM, but is often mistaken for one. It increases the strength of the pituitary glands’ growth hormone pulsations and total daily growth hormone production. MK-677 shares many of the same benefits as administering exogenous Human Growth Hormone (HGH), but is an oral pill, vs injection. It is taken alongside other SARMS/steroids, or on its own to help expedite healing of injuries, as it helps regenerate injured muscle, bone and joint tissue.
Ostarine (MK-2866) 20mgs x 60 Tablets
$100.00Ostarine (MK-2866) is the most clinically studied SARM to date, and the research has proven its efficacy as a safer alternative to Testosterone for therapeutic use. Ostarine is used to build muscle, however it is a weaker SARM, which makes it the least suppressive with the fewest adverse side effects. Often stacked with other SARMs, it can be used for both bulking and cutting cycles by men and women.
Stenabolic (SR9009) 10mgs x 60 Tablets
$120.00Stenabolic (SR9009) is technically not a SARM, but is generally referred to as one. It is a synthetic Rev-ErbA ligand, which has very similar effects to Cardarine, but is less bioavailable and has a very short half-life. Stenabolic is a fat burning drug that increases endurance capacity and speeds up the rate of burning stored body fat. It is commonly stacked with other SARMs and steroids during a cutting cycle.
Testolone (RAD-140) 10mgs x 60 Tablets
$120.00Testolone (RAD140) is a very strong Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that is growing in popularity due to its very high level of anabolic potential. Its effects are very similar to Testosterone and it is currently being tested as a potential testosterone therapy alternative. It provides excellent increases in strength and muscular endurance. Testolone can be used for both bulking and cutting cycles. It shares qualities similar to Winstrol, making it ideal for cutting as it does not cause water retention, making muscles appear hard and dry when at a low body fat percentage.
YK-11 (Myostine) 10mg x 50 Tablets
$120.00Myostine (YK11) is a promising Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that is also a myostatin inhibitor and interestingly can also be classified as a steroid due to its chemical structure. Having the potential to build muscle tissue through the unique pathway of inducing follistatin expression, which inhibits myostatin (a protein that limits the amount of muscle one can grow), is something that no other steroid, SARM, or peptide can do, giving this SARM alot of future potential. Due to a lack of clinical studies, the efficacy of this steroidal SARM has not yet been proven.