Tag: Oxygen Anabolics

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  • Big Stack

    0 out of 5

    This is a great stack for any level of bodybuilder starting their bulking cycle. Dbol will give you quick results within 7-10 days, while deca will keep your joints feeling great and will stimulate muscle growth. Test E can be substituted for sustanon if preferred. Please Note: it is strongly recommended that Arimidex, or any other aromatase inhibitor, be used alongside any testosterone variety to prevent estrogenic side effects.

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  • Hulk Stack

    0 out of 5

    This mixture is a powerful blend intended for the most advanced athletes. It will give you the ability to reach new strength gains in no time. Dbol will give you an initial boost in strength and muscle mass until the test and tren (TNT) kicks in, while deca will stimulate muscle growth. If you are looking to gain size and muscle mass quickly, this stack will serve you well. Please Note: it is strongly recommended that Arimidex, or any other aromatase inhibitor, be used alongside any testosterone variety to prevent estrogenic side effects.

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  • Super Shred Stack

    0 out of 5

    This strong combination of orals will melt fat off your body while maintaining the lean muscle mass you’ve worked so hard to gain and can be used by both male and female athletes. T3 is one of the strongest fat-burning compounds on the market, while helios will speed up your metabolism and anavar has been introduced to maintain lean muscle mass. If your goal is weight loss, this is a great place to start.

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