Stenabolic (SR9009) 10mgs x 60 Tablets


Stenabolic (SR9009) is technically not a SARM, but is generally referred to as one. It is a synthetic Rev-ErbA ligand, which has very similar effects to Cardarine, but is less bioavailable and has a very short half-life. Stenabolic is a fat burning drug that increases endurance capacity and speeds up the rate of burning stored body fat. It is commonly stacked with other SARMs and steroids during a cutting cycle.



Stenabolic (SR9009)

Stenabolic (SR9009) is a synthetic Rev-ErbA ligand (not an actual SARM), which plays several essential roles in regulating circadian physiology, metabolism, and immune function. This compound has very similar effects to Cardarine but is less bioavailable and has a very short half-life, requiring it to be administered multiple times throughout the day to maintain stable blood plasma levels. It  increases endurance capacity and speeds up the rate of burning stored body fat. Stenabolic is commonly stacked with other SARMs and steroids during a cutting cycle.

SARMs also have fewer adverse side effects compared to steroids, so they are considered safer, especially for women (as they are far less androgenic and do not lead to virilization), making them ideal for beginners wary of using traditional steroids. Most SARMs come in oral/pill form, so they do not require injection. This does make them hepatotoxic, but generally they are significantly less liver toxic than most oral steroids. SARMs will still suppress natural testosterone production (depending on dosage), so they are generally used in conjunction with testosterone as a base compound. As SARMs are still relatively new, more research and long term clinical studies are needed to prove their efficacy and side effects with prolonged use. So far the research and anecdotal evidence looks very promising for the future of SARMs.

More Information

Stenabolic (SR9009) is technically not a SARM, but is generally referred to as one. It is a synthetic Rev-ErbA ligand, which has very similar effects to Cardarine, but is less bioavailable and has a very short half-life. Stenabolic is a fat burning drug that increases endurance capacity and speeds up the rate of burning stored body fat. It is commonly stacked with other SARMs and steroids during a cutting cycle.

Stenabolic (SR9009) Benefits:

  • Increased cardio capacity
  • Increased endurance
  • Accelerated metabolism
  • Great at burning body fat
  • Enhanced immune function


Terminal Half-life:

  • 4-5 hrs


Possible Dosage & Cycle Length:

  • Men @ 10-40 mg/day
  • Split daily dosage into 3-4 separate doses due to the very short half-life
  • 8-16 weeks



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